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Writing is My Passion. What’s Yours?

Ozarks Maven is a week old! To celebrate, I’m writing a bonus post today. I sincerely appreciate all of you, my readers, for your support. I hope that you are enjoying what I’m writing. I am a writer by nature. Writing is my passion. I write as often as humanly possible, which is usually every day. I want the world to read and enjoy the fruits of my imagination. One of the reasons I started this blog was to share my writing with anyone who might interested in reading it.


I’ve enjoyed being published by some wonderful publications. My work has recently appeared in the 2017 issue of The Crowder Quill, 2016 issue of The Crowder Quill, the Fall 2015 issue of The Maine Review, Mamalode Magazine’s 2015 Better Together, and Writer’s Digest 2014 Show Us Your Shorts Collection. I’ve also placed in several writing contests, which always serves to validate my passion. I write to nourish and enrich my spirit.

I have one upcoming publication by Grey Wolfe Publishing. They are publishing my romantic short story, “Once Upon a Winter Storm” in their literary journal, Legends. This issue will be called “Passion Pages 2017,” and will be available in print and Kindle format. They expect to release this issue on November 1, 2017. I am especially proud to be a part of this publication because the proceeds are going to benefit The American Heart Association. My little story will be supporting a charity that means the world to me. I’ve lost many loved ones to heart disease.

“Once Upon a Winter Storm” is my first contemporary romance to be published. I had a paranormal romance short story published last year by The Crowder Quill. Most of my fiction involves something paranormal. There is usually a ghost, dragon, werewolf, or vampire lurking around my pages. Interestingly, most of my nonfiction revolves around hearth, home, and family.


There are still a few weeks of summer left to enjoy all of those outdoor activities that bring us joy. My husband loves to fish, and I enjoy accompanying him. The difference between us is that he is very serious and fishes with great intensity. Conversely, I put my line in the water, and then relax in my camp chair with a good story and cold soft drink. For me, it’s more about decompressing and enjoying some peace and quiet than catching any fish.

The Crowder Quill is a wonderful way to enjoy some of that summer reading under a shade tree. The stories are all under 1800 words, so they are easily read while fishing, traveling, sunbathing, or kicking back in front of the air conditioner. I’m sharing a link where you can download several issues of The Crowder Quill for free. These are PDF downloads. I’ve had four stories published in this magazine over the past couple years, and absolutely love it! It features short stories, poetry, and stunning art. Crowder Quill

It’s important to do something that you love. I encourage you to find something that gives you pure joy, and do it as often as possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s something as simple as baking chocolate chip cookies or as complicated as blowing glass.

I have many hobbies, and I love all of them. I even love my day job most of the time. However, following my true passion makes me feel whole and fulfilled. I found my passion. What’s yours? I would love to hear about it in the comments section.

I hope you have enjoyed these seeds of wisdom and joy. If so, please enter your email address in the subscribe box, like Ozarks Maven Facbook, or find me on Twitter @ozarksmaven. Please feel free to share this post as often as you like, as well.

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