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Success Won’t Come Knocking at Your Door


“Success does not hunt you down,” are wise words written by C. Hope Clark of Funds for Writers. I receive her newsletter weekly, and this one really resonated with me. She was talking about the various ways in which writers make their livings writing. Most writers must do other things in addition to writing books. Blogging, sending newsletters, speaking, advertising, and writing for periodicals are among the ways in which writers earn money. She said the only wrong way to do is to wait.

The same can be said for most aspects of life. I always thought it would be fun to take my dad to Yellowstone National Park. He loved nature and could watch wildlife graze for hours. We were both fascinated with Old Faithful and Mammoth Hot Springs. I waited for the right time when we had the money and everything fell into place, which never happened. He passed away eight years ago, and never saw the amazing sights that Yellowstone offers.

We all have hopes and dreams, or at least did at one time. It’s extremely easy to let everyday life dominate our focus. There are bills to pay, kids to feed, aging relatives who need care, vehicles to maintain, and something always needs done to the house or yard. Our jobs often become our main focus because most of us need them in order to live. Work to live. Live to work. It’s a cycle that has become the norm for millions of us.

A few years ago, I woke up one morning and realized that I wasn’t living as I wanted. I was letting everyday life take over everything. I wasn’t happy. My company had reduced my hours to part-time, and that made me reevaluate my priorities. I asked myself what I really wanted to do with my life. The answer was instantaneous. I wanted to be a writer, and I had waited long enough.

I picked up a pen and some paper and started writing. I wrote a silly poem. It had been many years since I’d written anything not work related, and it felt amazing to write from my heart. My husband bought me a laptop, so I could actually submit my work for publication. I also found another job.

My next move was to join a writers’ group. With their encouragement and constructive criticism, my writing improved. I started having things published now and then. I started placing in competitions. I also emerged from the shell in which I had been hiding my true self.

I waited far too long to start following my dreams. Fortunately, it wasn’t too late. I can never correct the errors of my past, but I can ensure that I do my utmost to enjoy a bright future. Success won’t come knocking at ours doors. We must hunt it down and make it ours. 


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