My Dear Readers,
Ozarks Maven is a labor of love for me. This blog is nearly four years old. Since its inception in July of 2017, I’ve made over 600 blog posts. That’s a plethora of posts, which took a great deal of time to create.

I spend 20 to 25 hours a week working on Ozarks Maven. In addition to that, I hold a full-time job, am active in several organizations, and have family members who expect to see me once in a while. I’m the fundraising person for one of my groups, which is eating up a huge chunk of my time and energy. I still have to squeeze in time for domestic things such as grocery shopping and cleaning. I’m also trying to get two books edited and ready for publication. I have some health conditions that need attention on top of everything else. In a nutshell, I don’t know if I’m coming, going, or riding a bicycle most days.
I’ve come to a point where I am forced to make some tough decisions. I can’t keep up my current pace. Therefore, I’m scaling back Ozarks Maven to once a week. I looked at my viewer statistics and noticed that Tuesday is my most popular day of the week, so that will be the day I post. If I have something that’s time sensitive or super exciting, I will make bonus posts. I may eventually return to posting three days a week, but not for a while.
In addition, I’m contemplating a change in hosting. Ozarks Maven is currently costing me a few hundred dollars a year, and I’ve only made $22.80 in commissions during the entire time I’ve had the blog. While I’m not blogging to get rich, I have to consider the amount of money I’m spending, which increases every year. I’m not technologically savvy, so I have no idea how transferring to another host will affect things. I still have much research to do before making that decision.
I love you, my sweet readers, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You make my day with every view and comment. I still want to bring you seeds of wisdom and joy. I just need to tap the brakes and slow down a little.
Thank you for your love and understanding.
Margarite, Ozarks Maven
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