Have you been quarantined this year? Most of us have.
I have now joined the list of those who are currently quarantined. To be clear, I don’t believe I have the virus. At least not yet. I was exposed to COVID-19 last week while on vacation. No, I didn’t attend any big parties or travel to a hot spot. In fact, I stayed home and puttered around the house for the most part. I didn’t leave my local area or see more than a couple of people at a time. I wore my mask, washed my hands, social distanced, and used hand sanitizer every time I went out in public.
I spent some time with a person who didn’t have any idea she had the virus. She wasn’t sick when I saw her. She developed symptoms the day after we had lunch together, which is the last time I saw her. She had herself tested as soon as she became ill and called to let me know her results. I’m grateful she did.
I’m sure I’ll be hearing from the county health department today or tomorrow. I called my local office for instructions this morning, and they said they’d be in touch when they received our case. They said I should plan to quarantine for fourteen days from the last date of contact. Her health department to has contact my health department, which will then contact me. The system isn’t ideal, but it’s all we have.
I’m not currently sick and hope to remain healthy. Even so, I agree with the wisdom of our healthcare officials that it’s best I stay home and away from other people. I certainly don’t want to expose anyone else to this insidious virus. There’s a chance I could develop symptoms in the next few days, but think about how many people I could have exposed in the meantime if I didn’t know there was a chance I’m compromised. The next person might have been someone without an immune system strong enough to fight it.
I spent a long time sanitizing my car today because the dear lady who is currently ill rode with me. I didn’t mind the chore, though. It was nice outside, and my car was due for a cleaning anyway. Plus, I found a quarter under my driver’s seat. That has to be a sign of good luck, right?
Some of my fellow authors and I were talking about the pandemic after our virtual awards ceremony last Friday. We discussed how fortunate we are that we have so many means of communication nowadays. Technology has advanced to where we have virtual meeting rooms, social media, and many ways to stay connected. We wouldn’t have been able to have our ceremony without that technology.
We also have online shopping, curbside pickup, and delivery options for our supplies. If this virus had hit us ten years ago, things would be very different. We would be calling family and friends and begging them to pick up toilet paper and toothpaste for us.
I won’t be leaving my house for the next two weeks, but I’m not concerned about running out of anything. Everything I need can be delivered to my front porch where no one has to get near me. That enables me to remain self-sufficient and not inconvenience anyone.
COVID-19 is our current reality. We must deal with it to the best of our abilities. Our scientists are working on it. Until this virus is under control, it’s up to you and me to make good decisions and do our part to stop the spread.
I wish you all good health and much happiness!
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