I’m excited to announce my latest publication is being released today! Anthology 2019 Sleuths’ Ink Mystery Writers becomes available today. Sleuths’ Ink Mystery Writers is one of my writers’ groups. They are a fun group who discusses all sorts of creative ways to write foul play among other things.
You may have seen the memes on Facebook that say something like, “Judging by my search history, I’m either a psychopath or a writer.” That’s pretty accurate.
I research all kinds of things. I’ve spent a great deal of time researching things like building repairs, donkey behavior, the history of tea, testosterone levels in roosters, styles of cowboy boots, what weapons are banned in various states, and drug cartels. My browser history is unique to say the least.
I want my work to be as accurate as possible. It’s downright humiliating when someone points out a tiny fact I got wrong. That’s why researching is of the utmost importance. Thank goodness I live in the age of the internet. Prior to being able to go online, research was conducted in libraries, court houses, and anywhere that might have the information I needed. I spent countless hours in the library conducting research for my reports when I was in college.
Most mysteries involve at least one murder. My paranormal romance novel has an element of mystery and a murder to be solved. As a reader, I never thought about what it took to dream up the murder weapon, motive, scene, etc. As a writer, I really struggled to create a realistic murder scenario before I found my mystery group. My next book’s mystery will flow much better due to my participation in Sleuths’ Ink Mystery Writers.
The group exposes me to people who know things handy for a writer to have in her arsenal. How to disable a car, what common houseplants are poisonous when ingested, and creative murder weapons are all things I’ve learned as a member of this great organization. It’s liberating to have frank discussions about such things and not feel weird about it.
Each of my writers’ groups offers me something different. They all help me grow in my craft. I’ve heard that once you stop learning, you stop living. Well, I’m learning everything I can and hope to live long enough to put it all to very creative use.
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