I am incredibly blessed with family and friends who love and support me in dreams. I had book signing at Always Buying Books, a locally owned used bookstore just outside of Joplin, Missouri, last Saturday.
Thank you, Always Buying Books, for allowing me to sign my books and visit with some great readers. I appreciate you for all of your friendship and support.

In addition to the amazing staff welcoming me with open arms, the turnout to my signing was fantastic. Most of the attendees were my friends and family. A few people I'd never met came by to chat, some buying books, but most of the smiling faces belonged to people I know and love.
A couple of friends I haven't seen in nearly two years surprised me at the bookstore. It was wonderful to see them and catch up a bit. Our friendship goes back over thirty years. They weren't the only ones. Several of my friends came to support me, including a couple of my writer friends. Mom and my sister were there with bells on, as well. I felt so loved!
Writing is a solitary endeavor. I've been writing for pleasure since I was an adolescent. I have always enjoyed my work, but I felt I was doomed to be a perpetual amateur. I didn't know how to sculpt my craft or where to grow my skills. More importantly, I didn't believe in myself.
It wasn't until I joined my writing groups and began networking with other writers that I realized I am not alone in my doubts and uncertainties. Through my groups and connections, I've been able to attend dozens of writing classes, workshops, and lectures. I've had the pleasure of visiting and hanging out with writers with every level of experience, even some bestselling authors. Most importantly I've learned to believe in myself and my skills.
Many of my family members have cheered me on, read my drafts, answered questions regarding various professions, and told me I could do it. Mom keeps a binder of every story and poem I have ever sent her. That binder is quite humbling to see.
Of course, there are always the naysayers who tell me I'm not good enough and poopoo everything I do. Romance haters, in particular, are often quite vocal. Since I write romance more than any other genre, I used to be quite hurt by their hateful remarks. Thanks to my writer friends, I've learned to see them for the trolls they are.
Thank you for being my readers, and I hope I can continue to bring you a smile now and then. Whether you ever read one of my books or not, I'm glad you're here and appreciate your kindness and support.
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Sally's Secret Legacy Link: https://amzn.to/3FvwhJw

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