This past weekend was filled with amazing moments. I had the pleasure and meeting and chatting with USA Today and New York Times Bestselling Author Jodi Thomas before I realized who she was. She wasn’t wearing a cowboy hat, so I didn’t recognize her. She was sweet and treated me like an old friend.
I enjoyed her keynote address on Friday and took two full pages of notes. The following sessions were all informative and entertaining. I met my editor for the first time that day and made arrangements for her to help me make my book sparkle. I went to bed Friday night feeling happy and content with the great day I’d had. I didn’t think things could get any better. I was wrong.
Saturday started out great with Jon Chandler who is an author, song writer, and musician. He performed for us Friday night, so I already knew he was talented. His keynote address didn’t disappoint. We brainstormed on a song he’s writing during the second half of his time slot.
I had the most surreal experience on Saturday afternoon. I was sitting in a conference room waiting for the panel discussion to begin when I was approached by a literary agent. She sat down beside me and told me she’d heard all about my novel.
Apparently, a friend of mine had been bragging on me. The agent didn’t ask me any questions or anything. She handed me her business card and requested my manuscript! I think I mumbled something about not having a pitch prepared. She said she didn’t need to hear my pitch because my friend had already pitched the novel for me.
For those of you who aren’t writers, this is a huge deal. I’ve never heard of this happening before. I had planned to publish Legacy of Secrets early next year through Indie channels. Even though it wasn’t in my plans, I owe it to myself to pursue this opportunity, so my novel may not be released next year. She may not accept me as a client, but I’m going to take the chance and see what happens.
The hits kept coming on Saturday. I placed in four contests. I won a 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 1st Honorable Mention, and 2nd Honorable Mention. I had the pleasure of watching as every writer at my table placed in at least one competition. We took lots of pictures, told funny stories, and had a great time.
The best was last. After the banquet, a lady approached me and asked if I was the Ozarks Maven blogger. Shocked at being recognized, I told her I was, indeed, Ozarks Maven. She introduced herself and said the nicest thing. She told me she reads my blog and loves it. She made my day with those words. We had a great visit. I enjoyed our chat and wish she’d found me earlier in the conference so we could have visited longer.
This is Kara. She’s from Louisiana and is a fan of Ozarks Maven. She’s a poet who placed in the poetry competition. That’s a tough category. I’ve been trying to win that contest for years. You can check out her website at We took a couple of selfies before we called it a night. Pay no attention to my lopsided smile. I was trying to figure out how to focus my phone for the selfie. I’m still trying to learn my new phone.
You’d think this would be the end of my happiness train. Not so. I’m thrilled to announce that Chicken Soup for the Soul: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas goes on sale today. My story, “Dollhouse” is published in this great book. You can purchase a copy from your local retailer, online, or from me for $14.95. I will be having a book signing at the Joplin Public Library’s Joplin Writers’ Faire on October 26th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You can also use this link: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
I had an amazing weekend in Eureka Springs. Spending time with other writers is my favorite thing to do. No one understands my quirky mind quite like another writer. They are my people.
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