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Kindness and Consideration


I posted a similar article to this one last year, but I’m reminded anew of the self-centered tendencies of the general populace lately.

We should all be kind to each other. Many people these days have forgotten their manners. They demand things instead of request them. I’m not talking about bowing when someone enters the room or becoming a wall flower. I’m referring to common courtesy things.

Our politicians argue and talk over each other to the point where no one can understand what they are saying. I often deal with people who ask a question and then won’t stop talking long enough for me to answer it or continually interrupt me so I’m unable to answer. That isn’t communicating with someone. It’s simply talking at him or her.

When a car is coming down the road toward you quickly, you should never turn in front of that person and then dawdle. If you are in such a hurry that you can’t wait for the other car to pass the intersection, then you need to scoot on down the road so the other person is not forced to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting you.

When  someone does something for you or gives you something, saying “thank you” should spring to your lips automatically. It makes both parties feel good. At least it should. When a kindness is offered and no payment or anything in return is requested, it is repugnant to complain that whatever was done or offered is not good enough. If you want something different, then by all means buy it yourself or hire someone. It’s not okay to make an act of generosity seem sub par.

Along those same lines, it is courteous to bring a food or drink item when someone invites you to a home cooked dinner. You should at least ask if you can bring anything. I hate it when people show up empty-handed without even offering to bring so much as a bag of ice. If the meal is still being prepared when you arrive, you should offer assistance in the final preparations. The same goes for cleaning up afterward.

If you see someone in the grocery store struggling to reach an item, do you walk away or offer to help if you’re able? If you see someone in trouble and are in a position to render assistance, do you offer aid or turn away? I’m amazed by the people who walk away.

I was at the doctor’s office a few months ago when an elderly couple come in and said their car battery was dead. I looked out the window and noticed that I was parked right next to them. I informed the office manager that I was stepping outside and offered to jump start the couple’s car.

I keep jumper cables in my trunk, and I was parked next to them. It was a logical move. They acted like I offered them a kidney. They thanked me at least a dozen times. They wanted my name so they could put me a prayer list at their church. They called me a guardian angel. I’m just a decent person who happened to be parked next to them when their car died. There’s nothing angelic about that.

Last weekend, I found myself in need of assistance. My husband and I bought a picnic table for the back yard. When we tried to load, I was unable to lift my end of the table high enough to get it into the truck. My bad shoulder wouldn’t allow that much weight to go that high. Two ladies running a fund raising tent saw me struggle and offered assistance. Thanks to their kindness, we were able to get the table loaded and brought home where my daughter-in-law’s dad helped us unload it. They showed us simple kindness as its finest.

We live in a world where we are all rushing around and distracted. Our minds run at frenzied speeds. We are thinking about all of the things that we need to get done before the end of the day, or we’re worried about our next meeting or project. It’s very easy to get wrapped up in our own lives and blindly forge ahead. Our lives are busy, and sometimes we simply forget to take other people into consideration. However, showing kindness and appreciation to another person makes the world a little sweeter.

Remember the old adage, “You reap what you sow.” Be kind and considerate to others, and you may be amazed at how happy you become as result. Thank you for reading Ozarks Maven! If you enjoyed my little seeds of wisdom and joy, please subscribe to Ozarks Maven, like Ozarks Maven on Facebook, or find me on Twitter @OzarksMaven.

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