I have some great and exciting news. I have been elected as the 2019 Ozarks Writers League President! I’m honored to hold this important office. I pray I can live up to lofty standards of those who preceded me. OWL is a wonderful group that promotes both writers and artists. We have members from all experience levels.
We changed some of our bylaws this year, so 2019 will be chocked full of new things that I hope everyone will enjoy. Historically, OWL has held four conferences per year. Branson, Missouri weather in February and November is unpredictable. We often have members who miss conferences due to snow and ice. In light of this, we will be holding two conferences next year. I will announce the dates once everything is finalized.
I joined OWL a few years ago, and I haven’t regretted the decision once. Strong writers’ groups offer invaluable feedback, connections, and resources. Visiting with other writers offers insights that aren’t found in any book. Hearing the personal experiences of others who are willing share their knowledge of agents and the publishing world is incredibly valuable. Nothing beats hearing something straight from the OWL’s mouth.
We hold friendly writing and art competitions every year. I took 1st Place in Memoir & Creative Non-fiction and 3rd Place in Romantic Short Story this year. Members may enter as many of the competitions as they wish for a flat fee of $10.00. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners are awarded cash prizes. Well, they’re actually checks, but they’re still money.
We have amazing guest speakers who are professionals in their fields. Jim Hamilton spoke to us about making a personal connection with our readers, and Tamara Hart Heiner presented two fabulous workshops yesterday. Their seeds of wisdom have already taken root in my eccentric mind, and I’m anxious to employ what I’ve learned when I next put pen to paper.
The information presented is all good stuff. There’s nothing superfluous or condescending. We have real writers, agents, and publishers share their knowledge and engage in discussion with us. Such opportunities are golden.
My mom always told me it was best to keep myself busy. I have a feeling I may not even have time to breathe this next year, but I hope to make a difference and help some great writers realize their dreams.
You can learn more about OWL here: ozarkswritersleague.com. We would love to have join us for the fun next year.
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