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Farmhouse Bakery, a Local Business to Love


There’s a hidden gem in Joplin. It’s called Farmhouse Bakery and specializes in a variety of breads and pastries. Their baked goods can be found at Bearded Lady Roasters, 218 South Main Street in Joplin, Missouri during regular weekday hours and at the Joplin Empire Market, 931 East 4th Street in Joplin, Missouri, on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

If you’re like me and enjoy thoroughly perusing the selection before making a choice, the best way to check out Farmhouse Bakery’s fresh baked goods is to visit the Joplin Empire Market on Saturdays. That’s where I plan to be this Saturday morning as soon as they open at 10:00 a.m.

Hannah, sole proprietor and baker extraordinaire, makes the best cinnamon rolls I’ve ever tasted. Her other products are wonderful, but cinnamon rolls touch my heart and bring back happy childhood memories for me.

After enjoying those perfect pastries for the third time, I decided to contact her and ask if she’d be interested in being spotlighted here on Ozarks Maven. She agreed, and I’ve had a lot of fun learning about Hannah and Farmhouse Bakery. You can check out her website to learn more about Farmhouse Bakery, see the menu, and make a special order here:

The reason I’ve been treated to Farmhouse Bakery cinnamon rolls three times is the fact that my officemates and I love cinnamon rolls, and Hannah’s are the best. She makes her breads and pastries by hand from recipes that have been passed down. She even hand-kneads the dough, which I can tell you from experience is hard work. The best part? She delivers!

She takes special orders and delivers to locations in and within 20 minutes of Joplin for the price of the product plus a $5.00 delivery charge. Special orders must be requested 48 hours in advance and will be delivered around her baking schedule.

Every time she’s delivered cinnamon rolls, they’ve been fresh from the oven and still warm. While I can’t guarantee every delivery will be fresh from the oven, there’s no denying the impeccable quality of Farmhouse Bakery’s baked goods.

I had the opportunity to join Hannah in the kitchen and watch as she made croissant dough yesterday. I’ve never made croissants, myself, so I had no idea how much work went into such a creation.

Hannah spreading croissant dough

After watching this amazing baker patiently make the dough and spread it on wax paper with a precision surgeons would envy, I can tell you that it’s a labor love for Hannah.

I was curious how the shutdown last spring impacted Farmhouse Bakery. Hannah told me that she actually enjoyed a 50% increase in sales. She believes that people were eating at home more and wanted good, fresh bread.

I asked her how the flour and yeast shortages during the shutdown affected her. Since she uses approximately 100 pounds of flour a month, she explained that she had to think creatively to obtain her supplies. She did what savvy entrepreneurs do, she networked. She talked to people. She found someone who introduced her to someone who could help with a new supply chain.

I’ve enjoyed visiting with Hannah and learning about Farmhouse Bakery so much. I hope you enjoy my interview with this very talented local baker, and I hope you stop by the Joplin Empire Market on Saturday to check out Farmhouse Bakery. Tell her Ozarks Maven sent you.

Cinnamon rolls delivered to my office last week

Hannah from Farmhouse Bakery Interview

  1. What made you decide you wanted to open a bakery? I was wanting a job I could do in my spare time. We had just moved to Joplin in September 2018 and planned to start doing foster care. I needed to have a job I could do while taking care of kids and running them to appointments. Baking is something I really enjoy so it made sense.

  2. Have you always wanted to be a baker? I grew up in Northwest Kansas where the closest town was 30 minutes away, so it was often easier to make our own food than to go to town and buy it. My grandma was an amazing baker, and she taught my mom a few things. I moved to Denver, Colorado for college and ended up working at a bakery after I graduated. I learned even more and still loved it. So, I’ve pretty much always been a baker. It’s nice to be able to do it for a living now.

  3. When and how did you start your business? I started baking a little in the fall of 2018, just baking in my house for friends. In January 2019, I started my business in earnest. I got a sales tax number and started selling at the Joplin Empire Market on Saturdays. I was working part time at a local cake shop and they were allowing me to use their kitchen in the off hours. That allowed me to sell pastries at a local coffee shop as well. Between the Market and the coffee shop, my business grew a lot! About a year ago, I lost the job at the cake shop and also lost the commercial kitchen. This spring I started working on developing a commercial kitchen and expanding my business. I was baking in my home kitchen and working insane hours because my kitchen was so small and the demand was still large. I rented a building on 4th Street with a friend of mine. After some renovations and all of the inspections, I received my business license on October 15th.

  4. Do you have employees, or do you run everything by yourself? I run everything by myself. I might need to hire an employee someday, but for now it’s just me.

  5. What is your favorite product? My favorite products are my sourdough and croissants. They both take so much time and precision to be really good. I think the work is what makes them fun. But I love the way they taste!

  6. To what do you attribute your success? I pretty much only make things I or my family really like. A lot of my recipes are handed down from my family or friends. I also try to make everything accessible and down-to-earth. I’m not selling an experience – I’m selling good bread.

  7. What made you choose your current location? I love the old building I’m in right now. It’s got tons of character. It’s also a great location for me since it’s right next to the Joplin Empire Market. It makes for a very quick commute time on Saturday mornings!

  8. What is unique about your business? Just looking at the other bakeries around, mine is unique because I do custom orders during the week, along with having bread/pastries available at 2 locations in Joplin.

  9. How many hours a week do you work to keep all of your yummy products available in ample supply? I work about 35-40 hours a week.

  10. We understand your baked goods are available in more than one location. Where and when can we find your delicious goodies? I have croissants, bagels, and maybe a few other things available at Bearded Lady Roasters on Main Street during the week except for Mondays. Most of my business is done at the Joplin Empire Market on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Hannah from Farmhouse Bakery

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