Welcome Spring! I hope you all enjoy wonderful weather and stop to smell the newly blooming flowers. While it's cold here today, the trees are budding, and the clover is lush. Wildflowers are popping up in fields and yards.
I would like to share this lovely poem by Christina Rossetti to celebrate the return of birdsong and blooms to my life.
Spring Quiet by Christina Rossetti
Gone were but the Winter,
Come were but the Spring,
I would go to a covert
Where the birds sing;
Where in the whitethorn
Singeth a thrush,
And a robin sings
In the holly-bush.
Full of fresh scents
Are the budding boughs
Arching high over
A cool green house:
Full of sweet scents,
And whispering air
Which sayeth softly:
“We spread no snare;
“Here dwell in safety,
Here dwell alone,
With a clear stream
And a mossy stone.
“Here the sun shineth
Most shadily;
Here is heard an echo
Of the far sea,
Though far off it be.”
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Amazon has put the paperback version of my first book, Moonbeams and Ashes, on sale for $3.48. That's cheaper than I've ever seen it. I'm not sure how long it will be on sale, but I recommend you order yourself a copy if you enjoy short stories. That price is insane! https://amzn.to/4aarVVG
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