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Sometimes There Just Isn’t Enough Time In The Day

When I was a little girl, my grandma often told me that time went way too fast. I didn’t believe her then. The hours seemed to take forever when I was waiting for something. I wish she was still here because I would love to tell her that she was right about that and so many other things. The older I become, the quicker time races by.


Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity. I had my yearly mammogram first thing in the morning. Most women my age don’t need one every year, but my insurance company insists I do because I have a medical condition that they believe makes me high risk for every disease out there. I think it’s a bit overkill, but my doctor should be able to catch any problems early this way.

After my appointment at the hospital, I was off to the store for supplies. Then I stopped by the home repair store for a couple things, and made it to my critique group meeting with 15 minutes to spare. My critique meeting was insightful, thought provoking, and inspiring. I returned home eager to employ many of my group’s suggestions.

I had laundry and dishes to do before I could think about writing. Just as I was sitting down at my computer to start on my novel revisions, I received a text from my husband informing me of an event that we’re required to attend this evening. It slipped his mind, and it’s fancy. I believe that’s guy-speak for semi-formal. We have a 100% chance of rain tonight, so I’m going shopping for a new rain-friendly fancy outfit today. I may be at the mall for a long time. I just hope it’s not an exercise in futility. Dinner is served at 5:30 p.m. Time flies too quickly for me to come home empty handed.

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