Labor Day weekend is a happy time for many of us. Most of us get a long weekend, which allows us to spend more time with family and friends, have cookouts, do a little fishing, and relax. Not everyone gets holidays off, though.
I’ve worked for several companies where I worked all of the holidays. I was paid time and a half, which took a little of the sting out of missing with my family and friends. My husband has one of those jobs where it doesn’t matter if it’s a holiday. He has a set schedule where he works the same days every week. It doesn’t matter if one of those days is a holiday.
The schedule is one of my major considerations when I look for a job. I have a fabulous work schedule with my current employer, which is one of the reasons I’ve worked there for over ten years. Close relationships with many of my coworkers is another reason. I am a community action warrior who works to better the lives of the disadvantaged in my area.
I have some extremely talented friends who work in a variety of occupations. I’m part of a few friend circles, and the talents of the people in each one amaze me. I’m blessed to have such friends.
Through my job I’ve become friends with those who have construction talents. Those in that circle build houses, install siding, fix heating systems, rewire homes, replace roofs, build decks, make homes handicap accessible, replace windows, and other handy things that make them great people to know.
I have friends who are talented salespeople. They research their products, figure out how they work, and then present the information to their customers. They talk to people to determine their needs and then direct them to the appropriate items. That circle contains friends who sell a wide range of things such as TV and radio advertising, stocks and bonds, cars, auto parts, healthy household products, vitamins, and Mary Kay.
I have friends who are teachers, truck drivers, nurses, reporters, lawyers, judges, pilots, factory workers, accountants, office workers, stay at home parents, pastors, hair stylists, graphic designers, farmers, veterinarians, social workers, cooks, welders, and blackjack dealers.
My writing circle of friends is my largest. Over the past few years, I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and immersed myself in the world of writing. I’ve attended several conferences, webinars, classes, and workshops. I’ve joined some writers groups, which offer support and education.
I currently hold memberships in five writers groups. In fact, I was accepted in the Missouri Writers Guild this week. The Missouri Writers Guild is my largest group so far. I’m anxious to attend their conference next year and see what I can learn from them. I may even be able to share a seed of wisdom or two.
Through these groups, I’ve become friends with a wide variety of authors. I’m friends with authors who write Westerns, Romance, Horror, Literary Fiction, Humor, Paranormal, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Thriller, Mystery, Suspense, Memoir, Young Children’s, Middle Grade, Young Adult, Nonfiction, and Poetry.
Though I can’t consider her a friend because I don’t know her that well, I can honestly say that I’ve met Bestselling Author Tess Gerritsen and enjoyed a short conversation with her. She was the keynote speaker at a conference I attended, and the industry wisdom she imparted was pure gold for my developing skills. She was friendly, kind, and intelligent.
I’m posting links to books by some of my talented friends and a couple that feature my work throughout this post. I’m also posting a link to one of Tess Gerritsen’s books because she was so nice to me. If you are an email subscriber and would like to see the links, just click on the title of my post. That will take you to the article on my website where you can see the book links and purchase one or more if you so desire.
Whatever your line of work or area of expertise, I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
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